Experts say that a professionally staged home will achieve a significantly higher sale price than an empty or badly presented property. We have a really impressive track record in this area...

Research tells us that staging a property will help it sell up to 3 x faster. Non-staged properties that don’t sell typically reduce £5,000 - £20,000 before attracting a buyer. Investing in staging typically saves you more than the cost of your first price reduction. In fact, it will often cost you more not to stage your home.

A photo’s a photo right? Wrong. Photography when it comes to selling a home is the very first impression. Better photography = more viewings. We also offer the opportunity to market your property in Swealthy Luxury Home & Lifestyle Magazine, reaching a significant audience across the Midlands as part of our package.

We are part of a vast nationwide network of home buyers, estate agents, property developers and investors. Using our services provides exposure to that network. Wider exposure = greater demand!